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A New Study on Mt. Muye’s Geographical Location
作者 陳曉偉
During the Liao dynasty, Mt. Muye 木葉山 was a place closely related to the religious beliefs and origins of the Khitan. Because of various discrepancies in the documentary records, however, there has long been disagreement over the location of the mountain; one view claims that Mt. Muye is situated in Yongzhou 永州, while the other view argues that it lies in Zuzhou 祖州. This paper draws on the “Xiao Shaozong Epitaph 蕭紹宗墓 誌” of 1038, which was unearthed in 2011, together with Liao dynasty documents and territorial records, to ascertain that Mt. Muye’s true location is in Yongzhou, and not in Zuzhou. Also known as Nanlou 南樓, the mountain was the location of Liao dynasty Emperor Taizu’s field headquarters. Having completely resolved the question of Mt. Muye’s location, this paper then thoroughly dissects the legend relating to the burial on the mountain of Khitanese leader Abaoji, who later became Emperor Taizu, the founder of the Liao dynasty. This paper also investigates the origin and development of the view that Mt. Muye is situated in Zuzhou.
起訖頁 291-312
關鍵詞 木葉山祖州永州阿保機葬所遼代Mt. Muye 木葉山Zuzhou 祖州Yongzhou 永州Abaoji’s burial locationLiao dynasty
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 十八、十九世紀巴達維亞唐人對殖民地行政體系的文化認知賦予與重塑
該期刊-下一篇 評Ng Chin-keong, Boundaries and Beyond




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