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Lexical Differences between Southern and Northern Middle Chinese: Demonstrated by the Diachronic Substitutions of Mian, Yan, and Lian
作者 周玟慧
This study analyzes terms meaning “face” in use during the Six Dynasties. This study finds that the different ways in which yan 顏 and mian 面 were used in the pre-Qin period generally continued into medieval times. In the vernacular, however, yan and mian became interchangeable, with the exception that yan could not be used to replace mian in compounds; this was the key to mian becoming a dominant term. A new term, lian 臉 began to replace the older terms yan and mian during the Southern and Northern Dynasties, but only in relatively vernacular expressions. More importantly, besides Buddhist sutras, these new terms only appeared in southern Chinese literature. This study not only demonstrates the process by which these new terms evolved, but also finds that vernacular terms entered the southern common language system more quickly: this diachronic replacement took place more quickly in the south than in the north. This phenomenon, and the distinction between vernacular and classical expressions, can be used to support Yan Zhitui’s 顏之推statement that the south had more vulgar words and the north had more archaic language.
起訖頁 1-31
關鍵詞 中古詞彙歷時更替南北異同雅俗之別身體詞medieval vocabularydiachronic substitutionsnorth-south differencesclassic and colloquialbodily terms
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 正時與賦物——唐代時令賦的物候感知與國家論述




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