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Seasonal Governance and Descriptions of Nature: Perceptions of Seasonal Phenomena and National Discourse in Tang Dynasty Fu
作者 廖美玉
Our world changes with the seasons. In ancient China, several classics state that governing in accordance with the season should be the first priority in national affairs. The Han dynasty scholar-official Liu Xiang 劉向 regarded the ability to govern in this way as one of the main criteria for selecting high level officials. By the Tang dynasty, the imperial examination system was used to select such officials. Candidates were required to compose shi 詩 and fu 賦, and often composed fu on themes relating to the seasons. This study interprets two aspects of these literary works: seasonal governance (正時) and descriptions of natural phenomena (賦物). Seasonally-themed fu elucidated the interactions between ruler and people. Rulers declared it their objective to respect Heaven and govern in accordance with the seasons, and so official candidates continued to discuss and compose writings on this subject. The main themes of shi and fu written in examinations became the right path in governance and how best to benefit the people. Thus, the characteristic concern of these literary works shifted from the palace to the people. Stylistically, they also became less lyrical and more practical. Above all, the expectation was to create a more practical politics, a wealthier country, and a safer society. In this way these fu uniquely stand out from traditional Han fu and lyricism.
起訖頁 33-66
關鍵詞 時令賦正時經濟物候國家Seasonal fuseasonal governanceeconomyseasonal phenomenanation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 從中古「面」、「顏」、「臉」更替現象看南北朝通語異同
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