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Re-exploring the Editions, Circulation History, and Motivations behind the Compilation of Heyue Yingling Ji
作者 許銘全
本文旨在重新梳理《河岳英靈集》的版本流傳,進而探討殷璠編選背後的相關思考。全文要點大致有四:一、藉由相關存世文獻之抽繹,得知宋人所見至少有三種不同二卷本,由此補充版本流傳輪廓。二、宋人所見版本中,計有功《唐詩紀事》錄存22 則品藻,文字與莫友芝所藏宋本頗有差異,對勘分析下,可推知《唐詩紀事》所見早於莫本,且藉由對比分析,見出殷璠批評體系及編選動機的部分端倪。三、學界對殷璠任「文學」一職,曾提出「潤州文學」、「德宗時方任潤州文學」、「王府文學」等三種推測,但此三說均有失誤,本文另指出殷璠所任極可能是「都督府文學」。四、殷璠編選此集,並非僅是藉此發抒個人不遇的苦悶,透過早期版本之〈敘〉、〈集論〉與詩人評述語的分析,可得知《河岳英靈集》具顯了殷璠客觀的、較非個人色彩的存史心態。
This essay re-explores the different editions of Yin Fan’s 殷璠 Heyue yingling ji 河岳英靈集 and the history of their circulation. Through a comparative analysis of the earlier editions, it will then explore the thinking behind Yin Fan’s compilation. There are four main points in this discussion: 1. Extant documents show that by the Song dynasty there were at least three two-volume editions in circulation. 2. Of these Song editions, the text of Ji Yougong’s 計有功 Tangshi jishi 唐詩紀事 differs markedly from the Song edition collected by Mo Youzhi 莫友芝. A comparative analysis reveals partial clues as to Yin Fan’s system of criticism and motivations for compiling the collection. 3. With regard to his official post, in disagreement with previous scholars, this essay points out that Yin Fan very likely served as an educational official in an area military command 4. Yin Fan compiled this anthology not just to express his sorrow over his unsuccessful official career: an analysis of his essays and critical commentary in this anthology reveal that Yin Fan employed an objective, relatively impersonal approach towards preserving poetry history.
起訖頁 67-104
關鍵詞 殷璠河岳英靈集唐詩紀事盛唐詩王昌齡Yin Fan 殷璠Heyue yingling ji 河岳英靈集Tangshi jishi 唐詩紀事High Tang poetryWang Changling 王昌齡
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 正時與賦物——唐代時令賦的物候感知與國家論述
該期刊-下一篇 《道教義樞》〈道性義〉對佛性思想的吸收與轉折




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