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The Absorption and Translation of the Buddha-Nature Doctrine into Dao-Nature Theory in Daojiao Yishu
作者 廖雅嫻
Daojiao yishu 道教義樞is a major work of early Tang Daoist religious doctrine. It not only covers many important Daoist religious doctrines but also reflects the period’s characteristic emphasis on metaphysics. It also shows traces of the influence of Buddhist doctrine and reveals clues as to how the assimilation of Buddhist doctrine changed Daoist religious thought. One cannot ignore the role of the Buddha-Nature doctrine as a catalyst for the emergence of Dao-Nature theory. It offered a new way to interpret the basis for Dao cultivation, which gradually brought about a transformation of the practice in religious Daoism. This paper focuses on Dao-Nature theory in Daojiao yishu, exploring the topics “from natural Dao-Nature, to purified original nature,” “Dao-Nature, without cause and effect,” and “the Dao-Nature of fruit, stone, and vegetation.” An examination of the interface between thought and doctrine helps to clarify the course of Dao-Nature’s theoretical formation and doctrinal development, while identifying the transitional points in this process. This paper reveals an important aspect of the exchange of Buddhist and Daoist doctrinal ideas from the Southern and Northern Dynasties to the Sui and Tang dynasties: in addition to debate, it also triggered active doctrinal transplantation and development.
起訖頁 105-134
關鍵詞 道性本性清淨不因不果中道佛性草木皆有性Dao-Naturepurified original naturenon-cause and non-effectBuddha-Nature of the middle wayDao-Nature of fruitstone and vegetation
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《河岳英靈集》的版本流傳與編纂動機重探
該期刊-下一篇 父子君臣——春秋三傳與宋代理學家對蒯聵、衛輒評論之比較




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