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Discussion of an Ethical Choice: A Comparison between Three Commentaries on the Chunqiu and Song Dynasty Neo-Confucianist Interpretations
作者 劉德明
One of the special qualities of traditional Chunqiu 春秋 scholarship is its goal of finding the meaning of historical events. Confucian scholars down the ages have expressed their values through written commentaries on the historical events recorded in the Chunqiu. The Chunqiu records that during the reigns of Duke Ding 定公 and Duke Ai 哀公, Kuai Kui 蒯聵 and his son Wei Zhe 衛輒 vied with each other to become the king of Wei 衛. Confucius and his student Zi Lu 子路 were both witness to this power struggle, which is one that involved a clash of two ethical principles: loyalty to the family and loyalty to the state. This article begins by summarizing the three main commentaries on this incident, discussing the origins of the problem, and gathering together the three views on the incident and its meaning. Next, this article explores the opinions of a variety of Song dynasty scholars, identifying the commonalities and differences in the views of Neo-Confucians on the incident. This article then contrasts the views of the three early commentaries with those of the Song Neo-Confucians. This allows us to see the trajectory of academic development and reflect on the particular qualities of traditional Chunqiu 春秋scholarship and Song Neo-Confucian interpretation of the classics.
起訖頁 135-164
關鍵詞 三傳宋代理學程頤胡安國春秋Three commentaries on the ChunqiuSong dynastyNeo-ConfucianismCheng Yi 程頤Hu Anguo 胡安國Chunqiu 春秋
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201703 (35:1期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《道教義樞》〈道性義〉對佛性思想的吸收與轉折
該期刊-下一篇 明代伏牛山鍊磨法門考論




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