春秋至兩漢的「兵死」者內涵探究──以葬禮及死者家屬安頓為討論核心 Connotations of the Word "Bingsizhe" from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty: A Discussion Focusing on the Funerals and Arrangements for the Families of Dead Soldiers
《莊子》書中專家的「身體感」──一箇道家新研究視域的開展 The Expert's "Sense of the Body" in the Zhuangzi: Developing a New Field of Research in Daoism
魚豢《魏略》的宮闈秘事之敘述傾向──以王沈《魏書》、陳壽《三國志》為參照 Recounting Palace Secrets in Yu Huan’s Weilüe: With Reference toWang Chen’s Weishu and Chen Shou’s Sanguo Zhi
南朝時期「晚渡北人」的興衰及其原因 The Rise and Fall of the Late Migrating Northerners during the Southern Dynasties
斯文不喪──中古儒學傳統與隋代唐初的政治文化 Humanitas still Exists: Confucian Tradition and Political Culture in Sixth and Seventh Century China
北宋「李照樂」之論爭與仁宗景祐的政治文化 The Debate around Li Zhao’s Theory of Music and Northern Song Political Culture
禮儀中的觀念—─再論春秋戰國時期普遍流行的靈魂觀 The Concept of the Soul in a Ritual Context: Re-exploring the Prevailing View during the Spring and Autumn and Warring States Periods
上博九〈陳公治兵〉綜合研究 Research on the Text "Chen Gong Zhi Bing" Published in the Shanghai Museum Corpus (Vol. 9)