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The Expert's "Sense of the Body" in the Zhuangzi: Developing a New Field of Research in Daoism
作者 蔡璧名
《莊子》書中專家「至∕神∕聖∕真人」的技術,是一需在歷時性的過程中,經由心領神會始能掌握的「默會之知」,更是需透過含括身體的實踐、感官的轉化方能體現的「具身認知」知識類型。本研究即試圖打破心∕身二分關係,考掘《莊子》書中的感官經驗、體現行動,並將過去著重「知道是什麼」(knowing that)的研究向度,移轉為「知道怎樣作」(knowing how)的探討,聚焦於「專家與生手」專題考察,意在尋找複製、訓練莊子「專家」身體感的途徑。對於莊子,心性論與身體感的關係,有如互動的齒輪群組,同是成就「專家」身體感的必要環節與充要條件──彼此帶動,共構運轉,通往不斷提升身心境界的終極鵠的。身體感研究讓我們得以掌握於時間之流中不斷轉化的工夫進程,不但具有學術思想的蘊義,且有助多數「散人」認識、體驗深具傳統文化特色的實踐與修鍊之意義與價值。
In the Zhuangzi 莊子, the skill of the true experts represents a "tacit knowledge" that can only be grasped via tacit understanding in a diachronic process and a kind of "embodied cognition" that requires physical implementation and the transformation of one's senses. This study attempts to break the mind-body dichotomy and examine the perceptual experience and manifested actions in the book of Zhuangzi. Moving from the research orientation of the past concerned with "knowing what" to an exploration of "knowing how," it focuses instead on topical research regarding "experts and novices" in an attempt toward reproducing and training the sense of the body of "experts"-what might have been practiced by the disciples of Zhuangzi during the Warring States period. For Zhuangzi, the interrelationship of the mind and the sense of the body is akin to an interactive group of cogs, all of which are necessary and sufficient conditions to help the real "I" become an expert in bodily sense-each driving another onward to the ultimate goal of continuously improving one’s physical and mental state. The study of the sense of the body allows us to grasp the constant progress of skill in the flow of time. It not only possesses significance in terms of the thought of an academic discipline, but it also contains meaning and value in helping many "common people" know and experience the richness of traditional cultural practices.
起訖頁 73-108
關鍵詞 莊子身體感具身認知專家與生手工夫Zhuangzi 莊子sense of the bodyembodied cognitionexperts and novicesskill
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201512 (33:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 春秋至兩漢的「兵死」者內涵探究──以葬禮及死者家屬安頓為討論核心
該期刊-下一篇 魚豢《魏略》的宮闈秘事之敘述傾向──以王沈《魏書》、陳壽《三國志》為參照




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