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Connotations of the Word "Bingsizhe" from the Spring and Autumn Period to the Han Dynasty: A Discussion Focusing on the Funerals and Arrangements for the Families of Dead Soldiers
作者 陳炫瑋
Traditionally, the term "bingsizhe" (兵死者 dead soldiers) is chiefly defined as all those who die on the battlefield. In pre-Qin literature, bingsizhi frequently refers only to soldiers killed with a weapon. By the Eastern Han, this came to include all those who had died in battle. Zheng Xuan 鄭玄 believed that a dead soldier who had not been buried in his hometown cemetery was one who had been "defeated without courage." However, this does not tally with the real circumstances at that time. Although in pre-Qin times for many reasons it was difficult to return those who had died in battle to their hometowns for burial, this had nothing to do with being "defeated without courage." Those who truly could not be buried in their home cemeteries were soldiers who had committed a crime and been killed. Not only were these men not allowed a cemetery burial, they were often also denied a full funeral. From the Spring and Autumn period to the Han dynasty, pension measures were frequently created to benefit the families of those who had died in the nation’s wars. During the Han Dynasty in particular, these policies were much more comprehensive, in order to encourage and reward those who were willing to sacrifice their lives for their country. In special circumstances, the descendants of these soldiers who had died in battle could also adopt heirs, and even be buried in accordance with royal custom.
起訖頁 37-72
關鍵詞 兵死戰死者歸葬戰場非命葬禮dead soldierswar deadhometown burialbattlefieldkilledfunerals
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201512 (33:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 喪禮儀式中的空間象徵、遞變與倫理重整──以三禮書之喪禮空間象徵、轉化為核心進行探討
該期刊-下一篇 《莊子》書中專家的「身體感」──一箇道家新研究視域的開展




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