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Spatial Symbolism and Ethical Significance in Funerary Rituals: Focusing on the Three Books of Rites
作者 林素娟
Focusing on funerary rites recorded in the Yili (儀禮 Book of Etiquette and Rites), and encompassing related records in the classics of rites the Liji (禮 記 Book of Rites) and Zhouli (周禮 Rites of Zhou), this paper explores the symbolism and profound ethical significance of the spaces in which funerary rites were performed. The Yili records complex funerary rituals with layers of transitional meaning. These layers of ritual transitions symbolize continuous changes in the states of existence of both the deceased and the living. The continual changes occurring in the spaces occupied by the deceased, in which the family members perform rites, and in which worship takes place, correspond to the changes in the life state of the deceased and restructuring of familial relations. Specifically, the space occupied by the deceased pushes from the inside outward, while the filial son’s mourning space pushes from the outside inward. The deceased’s ancestral tablet is continually replaced, and the space for ritual offerings transitions from its abnormal state to its normal state in the temple. Additionally, the space resided in by the deceased before death is destroyed and reconstituted, symbolizing the destruction and renewal of human relationships. The space in which family members mourn and carry out rites also carries profound and nuanced ethical meaning, deeply reflected in the space of the funerary hall, with important symbolic meanings attached to the southwest corner of the room, center of the room, windows, hall, steps to the east, and steps to the west during the ritual. Spatial changes during the ritual reflect distinctions between close and distant, superior and inferior, and male and female identities in ethical relationships; besides this, the purification, destruction, and reconstitution of spaces also symbolize the rupturing and restructuring of ethical relationships, as well as the significance of reestablishing these relationships.
起訖頁 1-36
關鍵詞 喪禮儀式空間象徵過渡倫理funerary riteceremonyspacesymboltransitionethics
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201512 (33:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 春秋至兩漢的「兵死」者內涵探究──以葬禮及死者家屬安頓為討論核心




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