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The Debate around Li Zhao’s Theory of Music and Northern Song Political Culture
作者 胡勁茵
The Northern Song imperial court presided over six large scale reforms of the music system, causing debate between different groups both in and out of court. The reasons behind, process and effect of these reforms were closely related to the distinctive cultural and political circumstances of the Song dynasty. Of all these reforms, those implemented between 1034 and 1038 were unprecedented in substance and significance. The core of the reforms centered on Li Zhao's 李照 music: his criticisms of the old music system handled by the Court of Imperial Sacrifices (the official department managing music-related affairs); the basis of his new theory of music; the debate between Li and his opponents; and the reasons why his new theory was at first supported, then subsequently banned. This established proving the rationality and legality of music theory as the theme of reforms and the standard for measuring their success or failure, defining the focus of subsequent debates among scholar-bureaucrats. It also highlights interaction between music system and polity and the connection between political theory and reality, revealing the complexity of the political culture.
起訖頁 213-246
關鍵詞 宋仁宗樂制李照馮元政治文化Emperor Renzong 仁宗music systemLi Zhao 李照Feng Yuan 馮元political culture
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201512 (33:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 斯文不喪──中古儒學傳統與隋代唐初的政治文化
該期刊-下一篇 以「詩人」身分力圖恢復──論陸游〈劍門道中遇微雨〉一詩之精蘊




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