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The Rise and Fall of the Late Migrating Northerners during the Southern Dynasties
作者 呂春盛
The peoples living in the territory ruled by the Eastern Jin and Southern Dynasties can generally be divided into two groups: the Qiao 僑 and Wu 吳 from the north, and the non-Han peoples the Man 蠻 and Yue 越 from the south. Of these, the Qiao enjoyed a long period of political and social dominance. Within the Qiao, however, was a sub-group described as "the late migrating northerners," which possessed their own particular identity and status. Despite also being known as Qiao, the social and political position of these late arrivals was considerably inferior to that of the wealthy and illustrious Qiao who had migrated earlier, and lower even than the Wu. Though their voice was long stifled in political circles, by the Southern Dynasties many late migrating northerners had used the changing political situation to rise to prominence. This trend was an influential factor in the rise and fall of the Southern Dynasties. Although past scholars have already explored the subject of the late migrating northerners, there is still room for discussion. Accordingly, the study builds on previous research to further examine questions concerning the late migrating northerners, including exploring the very concept of the late migrating northerners; creating a "dramatis personae" and analyzing its characteristic features; examining their position in Southern Dynasty political circles; and finally the reasons for their political rise, restrictions on their development, and final decline.
起訖頁 141-176
關鍵詞 東晉南朝晚渡北人荒傖僑姓Eastern JinSouthern Dynastieslate migrating northernerslow class peopleQiao
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201512 (33:4期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 魚豢《魏略》的宮闈秘事之敘述傾向──以王沈《魏書》、陳壽《三國志》為參照
該期刊-下一篇 斯文不喪──中古儒學傳統與隋代唐初的政治文化




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