從公安中心到分工、配合、制約--歷史與社會敘事內的刑事訴訟結構 From the Center of Police to Division, Collaboration, and Checking-- The Structure of Criminal Procedures in Historical and Social Narratives
分享經濟的創新與政府規制的應對 Innovation in Sharing Economy and the Responsiveness of Government Regulation
地方法治概念證成--基於治權自主的法理闡釋 On the Justification of Local Rule of Law: Based on the Jurisprudence Interpretation of Governing Autonomy
締約過失與欺詐的關係再造--以錯誤理論的功能介入為輔線 Reconstructing Relationship between Fault in Contracting and Fraud-- On the Auxiliary Line of Function Intervention of Mistake Theory
論必要共犯的可罰性 On the Punishability of Necessary Accomplices
《合同法》第48條(無權代理規則)評注 A Commentary on the Art. 48 of the Contract Law: The Doctrine of Unauthorized Agency