台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202309 (4:5期)期所有篇 |
- 私立高級中等學校退場政策實施影響與因應 Impacts and Responses to the Implementation of the Private Senior Secondary Schools Closure Policy
- 運用既有專長提供服務之退休者實踐社群研究 A Study on Communities of Practice for Retirees Using Existing Expertise to Provide Services
- 探討高齡學習者參與大學代間方案之代間交流態度 Investigating the Intergenerational Exchange Attitudes of Elder Adult Learners Participating in an Intergenerational Learning Program at a University
- 終身素養理念在大學生終身學習發展之探析 Explore the Development of College Students’Lifelong Learning from the Lifelong Literacy Concept
- 輔導初任教師建構數學教學模式之行動研究 Action Research on Developing a Mathematics Teaching Model for Mentoring Novice Teachers
- 性別平等師資培育課程輔導效果之研究:以「性別與科技為例」 The Effects of a Gender Equity Course on Gender Roles Attitudes and Ambiguous Type Sexism of Pre-Service Teacher Education Students in College: A Case Study of Gender and Technology
- 為跨域而跨域?論大學跨領域課程的實踐 Just for Interdisciplinary? On the Practice of Interdisciplinary Curriculum in Universities
- 大學教師實施全英語教學之研究 A Study on the Implementation of English-Medium Instruction Courses by University Teachers
- 突破技專校院學生英語學習不利三大困境:以國立高雄科技大學為例 Breaking the Three Predicaments of Students’English Learning: Using NKUST as an Example
- 父母教育水平對越南學生數學成績的影響:PISA 2018的調查結果 The Influence of Parental Education Levels on Vietnamese Students’Mathematics Performance: Findings from PISA 2018
- 21世紀美國高等教育博雅教育模式多案例研究 A Multi-case Study of Liberal Arts Education Models in the United States’Higher Education in the 21st Century
- 大學生參與學術和課外活動的獎勵管理方案:以越南胡志明市國家大學社會科學與人文國立大學為例 Management of Rewarding Activities in Student’s Academic and Extracurricular Activities of University of Social Science and Humanities, National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
- 日本大學創新創業教育改革之考察:以筑波大學為例 A Study of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Education Reforming in Japanese Universities: A Case of the University of Tsukuba
- 政策移植研究對教育政策制定的啟示 The Enlightenment of Policy Transfer Research to Educational Policy Making
- 美國埃默里大學大學沈思科學和慈悲為本倫理中心之社會、情緒、倫理學習課程架構探析 Analysis of the Social, Emotional, and Ethical Learning Curriculum Framework Proposed by the Center for Contemplative Science and Compassion-Based Ethics at Emory University, USA