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Management of Rewarding Activities in Student’s Academic and Extracurricular Activities of University of Social Science and Humanities, National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
作者 李平絨張明羌裴氏立斗氏翠銀
The reward is a practical organizational measure, an active propaganda and education method to encourage the creative, determination, and practical capacity of academic staff and learners, therefore, it plays an important role in the development of education in Vietnam. Currently, universities are strengthening and improving the work of reward management to raise the competitiveness and sense of learning spirit and movement among students. This article focused on the literature review for reward, reward management and survey results of researching management in reward for academic and training activities of students at the University of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National University, Ho Chi Minh City. The findings of this study discussed the four functions of management including planning, organizing, leading, evaluating, and examining in management of rewarding activities in student’s academic and extracurricular activities of the University of Social Science & Humanities, National University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The findings of this study also found that: Firstly, the university has built a plan of reward activities based on regulations from the Ministry of Education and Training and Vietnam National University Ho Chi Minh City to suit the school's context in each academic year and has the basis to develop an appropriate set of processes. However, there are still limitations when there is no survey of opinions from students. Secondly, the good implementation of emulation and reward for students is connected between departments: Student Affairs Department with Faculties/Departments; and the Faculty/Department with the Youth and Student Associations. In rewarding students, the university should have specific standards, quantity, and rewards from comprehensive rewards to learning and movement rewards, and assigning down to the faculties in a very specific way. Furthermore, the application of the information technology system in updating achievements and marking rewards of individuals and collectives is still not interesting to the school, however, this information channel is of great interest to students. Thirdly, the management of leading reward activities in academic and extracurricular activities for students of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities is evaluated at a high level by students. Fourthly, management of evaluating and examining reward activities in academic and extracurricular activities for students of the University of Social Sciences and Humanities still has many aspects that need to be resolved such as the evaluation is sometimes there are strict requirements for reality, leading to difficulties in organizing the emulation-reward movement, the forms of evaluating reward activities when compared with other activities are still limited, and the survey to collect opinions after each activity is of little interest. We also proposed many innovations in the management of student reward in this paper and recommended further research to expand the survey sample, specifically, it is possible to use a questionnaire to survey students from other majors such as Economics, Science and Technology, and Foreign Languages - International Relations to see more clearly the diversity in the emulation and reward movement.
起訖頁 285-314
關鍵詞 獎勵學習動機學術活動課外活動越南胡志明市國立大學社會科學與人文大學rewardacademic activitiesextracurricular activitiesstudentsUniversity of Social Sciences and Humanities - Vietnam National UniversityHo Chi Minh City
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 21世紀美國高等教育博雅教育模式多案例研究
該期刊-下一篇 日本大學創新創業教育改革之考察:以筑波大學為例




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