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A Study of Innovation and Entrepreneurial Education Reforming in Japanese Universities: A Case of the University of Tsukuba
作者 譚君怡袁明豪
In recent years, Japan has actively fostered the development of technological innovation and startup enterprises by implementing measures to enhance the domestic environment conducive to innovation and entrepreneurship. Within this context, the higher education sector has been entrusted with significant responsibilities in nurturing talents. This study aims to explore the recent advancements in the promotion of innovation and entrepreneurial education within Japanese higher education, with specific focus on the strategies employed by the University of Tsukuba, the stronghold of entrepreneurship education in the Tsukuba Science City. The findings of this study reveal the existence of three distinctive features characterizing the recent reform initiatives in innovation and entrepreneurial education in Japan, namely the "promotion of entrepreneurship in a comprehensive sense as a fundamental competency for graduates," "the establishment of a cohesive and seamless support system encompassing innovation, entrepreneurial education, and startup incubation," and "the proactive engagement of universities in the role of educational hubs within the regional startup ecosystem." Lastly, some recommendations for the future of innovation and entrepreneurial education in Taiwan were addressed.
起訖頁 315-329
關鍵詞 創新創業教育創業家精神高等教育新創生態圈筑波大學innovation and entrepreneurial educationentrepreneurshiphigher educationstartup ecosystemthe University of Tsukuba
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 大學生參與學術和課外活動的獎勵管理方案:以越南胡志明市國家大學社會科學與人文國立大學為例
該期刊-下一篇 政策移植研究對教育政策制定的啟示




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