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Investigating the Intergenerational Exchange Attitudes of Elder Adult Learners Participating in an Intergenerational Learning Program at a University
作者 陳黛芬陳鶴元
This quantitative research is to investigate the intergenerational attitudes of older adults participating in university intergenerational programs. In this study, 24 older adult learners with an average age of 60-65 was asked to fill a questionnaire on intergenerational exchange attitude upon their completion of the program in order to understand their attitudes and perspectives toward the interaction and communication between themselves and younger generations. Results were presented after descriptive statistics: 1. The "bi-directional interaction" and "bi-directional attitude" of the overall and subscale of the "intergenerational exchange attitude" of elder adult learners are in the upper-middle level. 2. Both "bi-directional interaction" and "bi-directional attitude" are positively correlated with intergenerational exchange attitude in the elder adult learner. 3. Background variables such as "gender," "age," and "living with descendants" did not demonstrate significant differences between "bi-directional interaction" and "bi-directional attitude" of the overall and subscale of "intergenerational exchange attitude". Base on the findings, recommendations are made for prospective universities, elder adult learners, and future research.
起訖頁 53-69
關鍵詞 高齡學習者代間學習方案代間交流態度elder adult learnerintergenerational learning programintergenerational exchange attitudes
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202309 (4:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 運用既有專長提供服務之退休者實踐社群研究
該期刊-下一篇 終身素養理念在大學生終身學習發展之探析




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