台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202305 (4:3期)期所有篇 |
- 偏鄉學校師資問題及其關聯因素之分析與因應之道 An Analysis on the Problems of Schools Teachers in Rural Areas and the Corresponding Solutions
- 素養導向國小自然領域漸進式探究教學之設計與實踐 Progressive Inquiry-based Instruction: Design and Implementation of a Competency-based Elementary School Science Instruction
- 國小國語文定期評量設計評析與建議:學以致用、以評促教 Critiques and Advices toward Elementary School Mandarin Periodical Assessments
- 隱喻影像解讀能力指標之建構 Constructing Indicators of Interpretative Competency about Metaphoric Images
- 審定版教科書與「美感教科書」版面設計的美感原則之研究 A Study of Aesthetic Principles for Textbook Layout Design of Approved Textbooks and Aesthetics Textbooks
- 文化部推介之優良圖畫書中生命教育的內容分析(2010-2019) Content Analysis of Life Education in Picture Books Recommended by Ministry of Culture, ROC (2010-2019)
- 視覺化分析運用於網路同儕互評資料之研究 A Study on Visual Analysis of Online Peer Assessment Data
- 「合作問題解決」教學策略之研究 A Study on the Teaching Strategies of Cooperative Problem Solving
- 師培教師促進國小師資生合作學習素養之行動研究 Action Research on a Teacher Educator to Promote Student Teachers’Competency of Cooperative Learning
- 應用體驗學習法於高齡多元輔療課程之教學實踐 Application of Experiential Learning Method in the Teaching Practice of Multiple Complementary Therapy Course for the Elderly
- 學生對於透過「溝通式教學法」與「任務導向教學」來提升英語能力之分析 Students’Perceptions of Improving English Competence through Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) and Task-based Instruction (TBI)
- 百年前「一生一課表」的教育實驗:文納特卡學校的啟示 The Education Experiment of“One Student, One Curriculum”: Revelation of the Winnetka Schools
- 「課綱為本課程設計系統」研發與建置的標準化、模組化及平台化 The Development and Creation of Standards, Modules, and the Digital Intelligent Interactive Platform for System of Standards-based Curriculum Design
- SOIL教學心法:看見教學的另一種觀點 The SOIL Framework for Instructional Design: An Alternative Perspective on Teaching and Learning