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The Education Experiment of“One Student, One Curriculum”: Revelation of the Winnetka Schools
作者 劉蔚之
During the ''108 National Curriculum Guidelines'' preparation in Taiwan, there was a controversy over the notion of ''one student, one curriculum table''. By examining the famous Winnetka School educational experiment of American Progressive Education a century ago, this paper shows that although the educational experiment did not have a formal ''one student, one curriculum timetable'', the experiment implemented the notion in a very complete and magnificent fashion. It not only provides various opportunities to stimulate students’ individual differences and encourages individual development and uniqueness, but it also emphasizes the development of students' social skills. More importantly, there is no need to scarify the concepts of ''class system''; ''class schedule''; ''classmates'' and ''mentorship'' or relegate these concepts to ''historical terms''. This is because social interaction is still a vital part of schooling. This paper first describes campus life through a ''virtual visit''; second, it explains the educational philosophy and planning highlights behind school life and further analyzes the historical experience of this educational practice when it was transplanted into China in the 1930s, as a reference for future attempts. Through the example of an educational experiment that respects students' individual differences, this paper hopes to help open up the possibility of implementing ''a one student, one curriculum timetable'' in Taiwan and outlines the most suitable approach for doing so.
起訖頁 285-299
關鍵詞 一生一課表文納特卡制個別化學習'One student, one curriculum timetable''Winnetka Planindividualized learning
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202305 (4:3期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 學生對於透過「溝通式教學法」與「任務導向教學」來提升英語能力之分析
該期刊-下一篇 「課綱為本課程設計系統」研發與建置的標準化、模組化及平台化




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