台灣教育研究期刊 Journal of Taiwan Education Studies |
202209 (3:5期)期所有篇 |
- 近十年來(2012-2022)國民教育挑戰及重大問題分析之探究 An Exploration on the Challenges and Major Problems of Basic Education in Taiwan:2012-2022
- 從新課綱素養導向教育談終身學習的理念與實踐 Research on Lifelong Learning from the Perspective of Competency-based Instruction: A Comprehensive Study of Theory and Practice
- 探討代間學習策略融入大學通識課程之跨文化能力 Exploring Intercultural Competence for Integrating Intergenerational Learning Strategies into General Education Courses at Universities
- 樂齡學習中心正念課程對提升樂齡者幸福感之探究 Enhancing the Well-Being of Elderly Learner through the Senior Citizens Learning Center’s Mindfulness-Based Program
- 雙語教育對大學青年領導力之影響分析 The Analysis of Influence of Bilingual Education on University Youth Leadership
- 大學生修習全英文授課課程的動機與學習經驗之個案研究 A Case Study of the Motivations and Learning Experiences of College Students of Taking English-Medium Instruction
- 我國大學日語相關學系師生教學風格與學習風格之適配性 The Matching of Teaching Style and Learning Style about Japanese-Related Departments of Taiwan’s Universities
- 越南大學教師管理制度之研究 A Study on Teacher Management System of University in Vietnam
- 中小學學生素養如何學習與評量? How Competencies Can Be Learned and Assessed for Elementary and Secondary School Students?
- 臺北市國民中學卓越校長領導行為之研究 The Study on the Leadership Behavior of the Outstanding Principals in Taipei Junior High Schools
- 學前兒童的社會發展和社會凝聚力 Preschool Children’s Social Development and Social Cohesion
- Dewey宗教哲學發展歷程研究 On the development of Dewey's Religious Philosophy
- 日本高等教育之地方創生人才培育:聚焦於地方知識據點(COC)系列計畫之課程發展分析 Fostering Human Resources for Regional Revitalization in Japanese Higher Education: Analysis of Educational Programs Development under the Series of Centers of Community Projects
- 一位國小校長推動實驗學校之行動研究 An Action Research on a Principal’s Promotion of Expeditionary Learning School
- 服從軀殼下的反叛靈魂:日治時期國民學校臺籍教師「隱性抗議」的概念分析與實例說明 A Rebell Soul in an Obedient Body: The Analysis and the Case Study of a Taiwanese Teacher’s“Hidden Protest”in Elementary School During Japanese Colonial Period