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A Rebell Soul in an Obedient Body: The Analysis and the Case Study of a Taiwanese Teacher’s“Hidden Protest”in Elementary School During Japanese Colonial Period
作者 蔡元隆朱啟華 (Chi-Hua Chu)陳佳慧 (Chia-Hui Chen)黃雅芳余錦芬
This study is to analyze the concept of Taiwanese teachers’ “hidden protest” during Japanese colonial period. Firstly, three different aspects, education policy, school administration and teachers, were presented. Under the political operations from Japan, Taiwanese teachers were often seen as the transmission apparatus of national ideology during that period. However, was that a fact? Secondly, a few Taiwanese teachers’ cases were closed researched in order to explict and help to realize the concept of “hidden protest.”
One of the cases, Miss Lin who was a Taiwanese teacher talked about her story as the way to recall her past. From her oral history, how the “hidden protest” was applied and practiced was shown. Finally, from the conclusions and limitations, some practical advice is presented so as to deepen the future research of hidden protest.
起訖頁 323-338
關鍵詞 日治時期臺灣教育;臺籍教師;國家機器;意識型態;隱性抗議Taiwanese education during Japanese colonial period;Elementary school;Taiwanese teachers;State apparatuses;Ideology;Hidden protest
刊名 台灣教育研究期刊  
期數 202209 (3:5期)
出版單位 台灣教育研究院
該期刊-上一篇 一位國小校長推動實驗學校之行動研究




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