分析企業社會責任執行與公司營運績效之相關性──以電腦周邊設備與電子零組件業為例 The Study of the Relationship between Operation Efficiency and Corporate Social Responsibility Involvement-The Case of the Manufactures of Computers and Peripheral Equipment and of Other Electronic Parts and Components
運用深度學習建立中文反諷辨識模型與驗證之研究 Research on Establishing and Validating Chinese Irony Recognition Models by Deep Learning - the Case of 2020 Taiwan Presidential Candidate’s Fan Page Corpus on FaceBook
疫情來了,你行動支付了沒? Do You Use Mobile Payment while the Epidemic Coming?
電子遊戲大逃殺續玩意願之研究──心流的中介影響與情緒的調節 The study of continuance intention to play online Battle Royale game: The Mediating Effect of flow and the moderation effect of positive affect
氣候變遷淨水器服務人員銷售力之研究 The Study on Sales Force of Water Purifier under Climate Change
網路使用、自我效能與主觀幸福感之研究 Impact of Network Utilization and Self-Efficacy on Subjective Well-Being
以人力銀行網站資料比較國內資訊管理學系學習與薪資表現 Comparing the Learning and Salary Performance of the Domestic Information Management Departments with the Data from the Human Bank website
校園創業可行性之研究──以校園咖啡廳為例 An Study on the Feasibility of Campus Startup -Take Rongyuan Caféas an Example
遊客的知覺價值、幸福感與重遊意願關係之研究──以東勢林場為例 "A Study on the Relationship between Tourists' Perceived Value, Happiness, and Willingness to Revisit -Taking Dongshi Forest Farm as an example"
從實務觀點探討領導行為與工作績效的關聯性──以組織文化為干擾變項 Exploring the relationship between leadership behavior and job performance from a practical point of view - taking organizational culture as an intervene variable
二手樂器交易平台行銷企劃之研究 Research on Marketing Planning of Used Musical Instruments Trading Platform
應用資料探勘探討共同基金績效之持續性與從眾行為 The Study of Using Data Mining on the Mutual Fund Performance and Herd Behaviors
蒜頭糖廠蔗埕文化園區服務品質之研究 Research on Service Quality of Suan-tou Sugar Factory Sugarcane Cultural Park
連鎖咖啡店品牌情感、品牌承諾與購買意願之研究 "The Study on Relationship among Coffee Shops Chain Brand Affect, Brand Commitment and Purchase Intention"
幸福醫療職人:方法自主與排程自主對職場幸福感影響之分析 Happy medical workers: The impact of method autonomy and scheduling autonomy on workplace well-being
共享網路平台設計與行銷之研究 Research of the Design and Marketing of Shared Network Platform