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Research on Service Quality of Suan-tou Sugar Factory Sugarcane Cultural Park
作者 莊鎧溫林淑妙
"本研究目的在於檢視蒜頭糖廠近幾年來將傳統製糖產業藉由觀光化打造成為文化園區型態,成功轉型為觀光休閒產業,探討製糖廠觀光化後所需的資源為何,遊客行為在糖廠觀光旅遊時,對蒜頭糖廠所提供的各項服務,是否會反映出遊客的滿意度,從而得知遊客對於參訪蒜頭糖廠是否會影響其遊客行為的意向,並根據研究結果提出建議,以供蒜頭糖廠管理者參考。 問卷參考SERVQUAL 量表以服務品質為主構面,「有形性」、「可靠性」、「反應性」、「保證性」及「關懷性」為五個子構面,設計出問項共20 題,研究對象以蒜頭糖廠的遊客為主,採便利抽樣問卷調查方式進行,共回收158 份問卷,有效問卷150 份。資料分析採用敘述性統計及重要度-表現分析法(Importance-Performance Analysis,簡稱IPA)。結果發現「蒜頭糖廠的服務人員提供顧客溝通的管道有良好的應變能力」是待改善的。"
"In recent years, Suan-tou Sugar Factory has transformed the traditional sugar-making xindustry into a tourist factory through tourism. Successfully transformed into a tourism and leisure industry. The purpose of this study is to examine what resources are required for tourism in sugar factories, discussing the behavior of tourists during sugar sightseeing tours, whether the services provided by Suan-tou Sugar Factory will reflect the satisfaction of tourists, in order to know whether tourists ’visit to Suan-tou Sugar Factory will affect their tourist behavior, based on the research results, suggestions are made for the reference of Suan-tou Sugar Factory managers. The questionnaire refers to the SERVQUAL scale, which focuses on service quality. 'tangible','reliability','responsiveness','assurance'and 'empathy' are five sub-facets,designed a total of 20 questions, the research object is mainly tourists from Suan-tou Sugar Factory , and it is conducted by convenient sampling questionnaire survey, a total of 158 questionnaires were recovered and 150 valid questionnaires were collected. This data analysis uses narrative statistics and Importance -Performance Analysis,IPA. It turns out that the factor of 'The service staff of Suan-tou Sugar Factory has good adaptability to provide channels for customer communication' need to be improved."
起訖頁 229-239
關鍵詞 蒜頭糖廠服務品質IPASuan-tou Sugar Factoryservice qualityIPA
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 應用資料探勘探討共同基金績效之持續性與從眾行為
該期刊-下一篇 連鎖咖啡店品牌情感、品牌承諾與購買意願之研究




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