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Research of the Design and Marketing of Shared Network Platform
作者 樊祖燁 (Tsu-Yeh Fan)趙麗萍劉佳莉謝銥珊姚子勻
"2019 年來台旅客約1,184 萬人次,已創下歷史新高,其中大部份為自由行旅客。外國自由行旅客來台灣旅遊的行程因為都是自己規劃,所以都希望抵達台灣後能快速地連接到當地網路。這些外國旅客不是在國外購買了通訊網卡,就是下飛機後立即解決網路漫遊的問題。但經本研究調查,外國旅客往往會遇到網路流量不足、資訊取得不易,甚或語言轉換不良的問題。本研究為了解決上述問題,利用評估研究法設計了“Share Internet”網路共享平台。本平台以App 為介面,結合網路共享和雲端運算技術,利用全自動搜索配對連線服務、透過已具備網路服務的智慧型手機,進行無線區域網路的無線熱點分享。使用者還能夠選擇所喜愛之旅遊地影片觀看以了解當地的觀光景點。這種共享經濟的創新服務平台不僅可以讓外國旅客快速連上當地的網路,並了解當地的觀光景點。更重要的是,藉由本平台的建置與行銷策略擬定,可促進台灣觀光業發展,並增加觀光業產值。"
"In 2019, a record high of about 11.84 million tourists came to Taiwan, most of them were independent travelers. Foreign independent travelers who travel to Taiwan plan their own itineraries, so they all hope that they can quickly connect to a local network after arriving in Taiwan. These foreign passengers either purchase communication network cards abroad or solve the problem of network roaming immediately after getting off the plane. However, according to surveys, foreign tourists often encounter problems such as high Internet traffic, difficult access to information, or language barriers. In order to solve the aforementioned problems, this research uses the evaluation research method to design the “Share Internet” network sharing platform. This platform uses an App as the interface, combines network sharing and cloud computing technology, uses the automatic search and pairing connection service, and achieves wireless hotspot sharing in the wireless local area network through smart phones that already have access to network services. Users can also select their favorite tourist destination videos to watch and learn about local tourist attractions. This innovative service platform not only allows foreign tourists to quickly connect to the local network, but also provides additional information about local tourist attractions. More importantly, through the establishment of this platform and the formulation of marketing strategies, it can promote the development of Taiwan's tourism industry and increase the output value of the tourism industry."
起訖頁 259-274
關鍵詞 自由行網路共享共享經濟無線區域網路independent travelnetwork sharingsharing economywireless local area network
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 幸福醫療職人:方法自主與排程自主對職場幸福感影響之分析
該期刊-下一篇 Beacon技術應用於智慧寵物協尋系統之開發




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