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Happy medical workers: The impact of method autonomy and scheduling autonomy on workplace well-being
作者 侯盈如謝琇玲林惠敏侯介勛謝佳儒
近年來Covid-19疫情影響,醫療人員承受更多的工作壓力和不安全感。他們面臨如此嶄新的挑戰,是否影響到對工作的滿意情況,甚至影響職場幸福知覺,實有迫切探究之要。此外,國內醫療機構面臨國際化與評鑑制度的層層壓力下,導致醫療人員需更有效率的達成目標。是否予以工作自主後,即能提升工作滿足,進而影響職場幸福感,想必更值得深究。本研究目的係在了解方法自主與排程自主對職場幸福感的影響,並探討工作滿足的中介效果。研究對象係以高雄國軍醫院員工為主,有效樣本為431。研究結論如下:(1) 方法自主與排程自主皆對工作滿足產生正向之影響。(2) 工作滿足會對職場幸福感帶來正向影響。(3) 方法自主與排程自主皆對職場幸福感有間接影響,其中排程自主較方法自主的影響力來得大。最後,彙整研究結果,對醫療機構管理階層及後續研究者,提出相關建議。
"Due to the impact of the Covid-19 epidemic, medical personnel have suffered more work stress and insecurity in recent years. Facing such a new challenge, are they affected in their job satisfaction, or even work workplace well-being? Therefore, there is an urgent need for intensive exploration. In addition, domestic medical institutions are under the pressure of internationalization and the evaluation system, leading medical personnel to achieve their goals more efficiently. If employees have work autonomy, whether they can increase job satisfaction is worthy of further investigation. The purpose of this study is to understand the influence of method autonomy and scheduling autonomy on workplace well-being, and to explore the mediating effect of job satisfaction. The valid sample from the national military hospital in Kaohsiung is 431. The research findings are as follows: (1) Both method autonomy and scheduling autonomy have positive impact on job satisfaction. (2) Job satisfaction has positive impact on workplace well-being. (3) Both method autonomy and scheduling autonomy have indirect effects on workplace well-being; moreover, scheduling autonomy has greater impact than method autonomy. Finally, suggestions for top executives of medical institutions and researchers are offered."
起訖頁 249-258
關鍵詞 方法自主排程自主工作自主工作滿足職場幸福感method autonomyscheduling autonomyjob autonomyjob satisfactionworkplace well-being
刊名 管理資訊計算  
期數 202203 (11:1期)
出版單位 管理資訊計算編輯委員會
該期刊-上一篇 連鎖咖啡店品牌情感、品牌承諾與購買意願之研究
該期刊-下一篇 共享網路平台設計與行銷之研究




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