體育學報 Physical Education Journal |
201103 (44:1期)期所有篇 |
- 急性健身運動對認知功能的影響事件相關電位的文獻回顧 Effects of Acute Exercise on Cognitive Function: A Review of event-related Potentials
- 高爾夫推桿握把尺寸對推桿表現與握壓之影響 Effects of golf grip size on putting performance and grip pressure in Elite golfer
- 網球選手平衡能力對發球技能之相關研究 Relationship between balance and serve skill for collegiate tennis players
- 從身體擺動審視個體--環境系統之直接知覺機制:以移動室操弄視覺光流訊息 Investigation of body sway in the direct perception mechanism of the individual-environment system: Manipulating optic flow by the moving room
- 參與型運動設施營運成本分析--臺灣大學運動休閒館之研究 Operation cost analysis of participating sports facilities example of National Taiwan University Sports Center
- 體驗型態對超級籃球聯賽球迷體驗滿意與忠誠度影響之研究 Influence of experiential types on fan's experiential satisfaction and loyalty for Super Basketball League
- 國小體育教師課程決定內涵之研究 Study on contents of curriculum decision-making by the Elementary School physical education teachers
- 同儕互動回饋策略在合作學習情境下對木球學習成效與動機之研究 Effects of peer interpersonal feedback strategies for achievement and motivation on Woodball during cooperative learning condition
- 特優級排球隊競賽中防守反擊績效之研究 Evaluating the effectiveness of attack after defense in college men's volleyball competition
- 運動行為研究在體育的應用與課題 Reserch issue and applications of motor behavior in physical education
- 太極拳結合震動訓練對膝伸肌神經肌肉特性之影響 Effects of Tai Chi combined with vibration stimulation on neuromuscular adaptation of knee extensor
- 知覺桌球正拍攻擊落點方向之關鍵時間、空間訊息 The critical temporal and spatial information about the landing direction of table tennis forehand attack
- 臺北市民運動中心使用者參與動機與承諾對參與行為之影響 The relationship among participation motivation, exercise commitment and participation behavior of the users in Taipei Sports Centers
- 大學運動場館營運成本分析:以臺灣大學綜合體育館大型集會活動為例 The study on the operational performance of the Major Events area of National Taiwan University Sports Center
- 自力造筏課程對大學生生活效能之成效影響 Effects of the self-built raft courses on college students' Life-Effectiveness
- 身體活動教學增進智能障礙學生運動能力之研究--以樂樂棒球為例 A study of improving skill ability applied physical activity for students with intellectual disabilities - An example of tee ball teaching
- 以灰色關聯分析探討排球比賽得分因素與成績之關聯性 Using the grey relational analysis to explore the relationship between scoring factors and performance of volleyball competition
- 橄欖球致勝戰力模式建構--以大專校院橄欖球選手為例 The establishment of winning model in collegiate rugby players
- 體育與運動科學研究現況的批判與省思 Status quo of physical education and sport science research: Critique and reflection
- 不同運動階段老年婦女其功能性體適能與健康生活品質之研究 Functional fitness and health-related-quality-of-life in physically independent elderly women at different exercise stages of change
- 攝取咖啡因對心率變異性及反覆高強度衝刺的影響 Effects of caffeine supplementation on heart rate variability and repeated high-intensity sprints
- 不同線徑網球線之機械特性探討 The physical properties of the tennis strings with different diameters
- 新式簡易足弓測量系統之信效度考驗 Evaluating the reliability and validity of a new and convcnient arch measurement system
- 學齡兒童身體成長與側化偏好 The condition of growth and lateral preference in 6-12 years old children
- 臺灣9~15歲學生身體活動情形及參與動機之性別與年齡差異 Participation in physical activities for 9 to 15 year-old Taiwan students' gender and age differences in motives
- 桌球正手擊球動作的協調與量化 The coordination and quantification of table tennis stroke
- 臺北市高中職學生體育課班級氣氛與學習動機對學習滿意度關係之影響 An investigation of classroom climate, learning motivation and learning satisfaction in physical education class of Taipei City senior high and vocational school students
- 臺灣地區國中健康與體育學習領域教師評鑑指標之建構 Construction of evaluation indices for junior high school health and physical education teachers in Taiwan
- 大專優秀男子排球隊教練應用替補之類型與時機分析研究 Analysis of the application substitute type and timing for university elite men's volleyball team's coach
- 動作學習歷程前決策與後決策階段中批判思考的中介角色 The mediation role that how critical thinking perform among pre-decisional and post-decisional stages of decision making in physical activity
- 棒球投手平地與投手丘投球動作的運動學分析 The kinematic difference of baseball flat pitching and mound pitching
- 高爾夫高低球位擊球身體肢段運動學分析 Kinematic analyses eliet of golf players performing swing movement on incline and decline surface
- 國小高年級學童高台著地下肢負荷與勁度特性之性別差異探討 Gender differences in lower extremity loading and stiffness during drop landing in elementary school students
- 以自我決定理論探討體育志工參與動機過程模式之研究 A motivational process model of sport volunteers: From the perspectives of selfdetermination theory
- 高中學校本位體育課程發展評鑑指標之建構 Construction of evaluation indicators for school-based physical education curriculum development in senior high schools
- 目標設定介入對視障生身體活動量與運動自我效能之影響 The effectiveness of goal-setting on physical activity and exercise self-efficacy for the visually impaired students
- 體育課不同同儕地位的兒童在社會心理組成上的差異 Differences in social psychological make-up for children of different peer status in physical education
- 不同競技水準男子競技體操選手分值表現的比較 Comparison of score values between male artistic gymnasts at different skill levels