中文摘要 |
目的:本研究探討學齡兒童身體成長與側化偏好情況,並進一步分析不同性別之側化差異,以提供國小體育教師瞭解目前孩童身體發展和側化偏好情況。方法:以1,337位臺南市國小學齡兒童為研究對象,並填寫身體側化情況問卷,共24細項(含眼睛、耳朵、手、腳與日常用手等慣用側)。結果:身體成長,身高除了6歲兒童男生明顯大於女生,其他年齡則無顯著差異,而男生的體重明顯大於女生。側化偏好方面,身體不同部位的側化情況有明顯差異並傾向於使用右側。不同性別之間的側化偏好沒有差異,手、眼、足與耳朵已傾向使用同側。結論:身體兩側有不對稱使用的情況發生,兒童階段的側化偏好並未因性別因素而趨異,但肢段的使用上已有傾向於使用右邊。Purpose: To investigate the condition of growth and laterality in 6-12 years old children. Gender differences were analyzed to provide the elementary school physical education teachers information regarding the children's growth and lateral preference. Methods: The participants were 1,337 children (694 females and 643 males) who attending the elementary school in Tainan city. The lateral preference inventory, a 24-item questionnaire was used to validly measure the hand, foot, eye, and ear preference. Results: In terms of physical growth and sex differences, six years old boys were higher than girls, while there was no significant differences in other age groups, and boys weighted heavier than girls at all age groups. Different body parts showed distinct lateral preference, however, the children tended to use the right side. The 6-12 years old children did not show gender difference in lateral preference index, while the hand, foot, eye, and ear tend to use the same side. Conclusion: The 6-12 years old children showed asymmetric in lateral preference, and they tended to use the right side. There was no gender difference in their lateral preference. |