學校行政 School Administrators |
201309 (87期)期所有篇 |
- 一所國立高中的校長領導與學校組織文化之探究 A Study of Organizational Culture and Leadership in Senior High School
- 國民中學教師領導與 教師組織承諾關係之研究 Study on the Relationships between Teacher Leadership and Teachers’ Organizational Commitment in Junior High Schools
- 幼兒園教師領導之初探研究 A Preliminary Exploration of the Preschool Teacher Leadership
- 國民小學級任教師時間管理與班級經營效能關係之研究 A Study on the Relationship Between Time Management and Class Management Effectiveness of Homeroom Teachers in Elementary Schools
- 臺東縣國中小教師自我效能感之研究:背景變項透過中介變項對自我效能感之影響 The Study on Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers in Taitung County: The Effect of Background Variables upon Self-efficacy via Intervention Variables
- M. Fullan’s教育變革新意義的研究及其啟示 The Study and Inspiration for the Meaning of M. Fullan’s Educational Reformation
- 從知識移轉觀點看高雄市國小二代公文系統環境建置現況 The Knowledge Transfer in Kaohsiung City Second Generation of Document Environmental Conditions
- 政府獎補助私立大專院校機制之公平性研究 The Fairness Regarding the Mechanism of Government Grants to Private Universities and Colleges
- 學校人員懲戒處分初探 Initial Exploration on Disciplinary Disposition of School Personnel
- 外籍配偶國中子女的親子關係與族群認同初探 Parent-Child Relationships and Ethnic Identity of Foreign Spouses’ Children in Junior High Schools