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臺東縣國中小教師自我效能感之研究:背景變項透過中介變項對自我效能感之影響   全文下載 全文下載
The Study on Teachers’ Sense of Efficacy for Elementary and Secondary School Teachers in Taitung County: The Effect of Background Variables upon Self-efficacy via Intervention Variables
作者 林慧敏
Teachers’ sense of efficacy is a significant issue in educational circle. However, there are only a few studies when researchers, taking self-efficacy as an independent variable, explore this topic via multiple intervention variables. Hence, in this paper, teachers from elementary and secondary schools in Taitung County as her study objects, the researcher explores it through three intervention variables, they are organizational commitment, work value, and professional growth behavior. Furthermore, she compares the differences of self-efficacy between teachers in elementary and secondary schools, as well as tries to work out the reasons that made those differences. As a result, by multiple regression analysis, it proved that their self-efficacy was true affected by intervention variables included organizational identity commitment, organizational dedicated commitment, the meaning of work, and professional growth behavior. Also, it manifested that teachers in elementary schools have higher self-efficacy – classroom management – than those who in secondary schools for the reason of with lower organizational identity commitment and professional growth behavior. Again, another self-efficacy – multiple instructional strategies – is higher than teachers in secondary schools. It is because they have higher teaching years, and most of their schools are in mini scale.
起訖頁 098-122
關鍵詞 教師效能感組織承諾工作價值觀專業成長teachers’ sense of efficacyorganizational commitmentwork valueprofessional growth
刊名 學校行政  
期數 201309 (87期)
出版單位 社團法人中華民國學校行政研究學會
DOI 10.3966/160683002013090087005   複製DOI
該期刊-上一篇 國民小學級任教師時間管理與班級經營效能關係之研究
該期刊-下一篇 M. Fullan’s教育變革新意義的研究及其啟示




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