201903 (2019:2期)期所有篇 |
- 社会治理过度刑法化的隐忧 The Concern of Over-criminalization in Social Governance
- 我国醉驾的“严罚化”境遇及其结构性反思——兼与日本治理饮酒驾驶犯罪刑事政策相比较 The Situation of “Severe Punishment” for Drunk Driving in China and Its Structural Reflection: Comparing with Japan’s Criminal Policy on Drinking and Driving Crime
- 国家监察与刑事司法的衔接机制研究 Research on the Linking Mechanism between National Supervision and Criminal Justice
- 污染环境罪中“处置”行为的司法误区与合目的性解读 “ Disposal” in the Crime of Pollution: Judicial Misconceptions and Purpose Interpretation
- 民法典编纂“两步走”思路之检讨 Revisiting the “Two-step” Thought in the Compilation of Civil Code
- 论人工智能体法律人格的考虑要素 Elements of Consideration on Legal Personality of Artificial Intelligence Body
- 论敌意收购中大额持股变动违法之法律责任——基于证券监管与司法裁判的实证研究 Liabilities for Illegal Change of Large Stock Holdings in Hostile Acquisition: An Empirical Study Based on Securities Supervision and Judicial Decisions
- 论责任保险金请求权时效制度——以责任保险为制度背景 The Prescription System on Liability Insurance Indemnification Claim: Take Liability Insurance as Institutional Background
- “忠诚折扣”的垄断违法性判定——以利乐公司行政处罚案为材料 The Judgment of Monopoly Illegality of “Loyalty Discount”: Based on the Administrative Penalty Case of Tetra Pak Company
- 大数据语境下卡特尔发现的范式转换 Paradigm Shift on the Discovery of Cartel in the Context of Big Data
- 从涉众型经济犯罪案件看涉案财物的先期处置 Preliminary Disposal of Property Involved in Popular Economic Crime Cases
- 刑事立案前后电子取证规则衔接问题研究——以电子数据证据过程性为视角 The Connection of the Electronic Forensics Rules before and after Criminal Recording: From the Perspective of Procedural Nature of Electronic Evidence
- 诉讼目标相对论:以程序保障论为视角 Relativity on the Object of Action: A Perspective of Procedural Guarantee Theory
- 反思国际法上的“司法造法”问题 Reflections on “Judicial Law-making” in International Law
- 外国判决承认与执行语境下“送达抗辩”研究 “Defense of Service” in the Context of Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments