201705 (2017:3期)期所有篇 |
- “人案比” 二元模型與民事審前程序的優化--基於對廣東省九個基層法院的調研 Duality Model and Perfection of Civil Pre-- trial Procedure: An Investigation of Nine Basic Level Courts in Guangdong Province
- 我國環境稅立法的“三維”審視 A 'Three -dimensional' Examination of China's Environmental Tax Legislation
- 中美圍繞國有企業的補貼提供者身份之爭:以WTO相關案例為重點 The Disputes between China and the United States Concerning Identification of Subsidy Provider for State- owned Enterprises: An Inquiry Focusing on WTO- related Cases
- 憲法環境條款的規範構造與實施路徑 Normative Construction and Implementation of Environmental Clauses in Constitutional Law
- 論我國政府數據開放的立法模式 Legislation Mode of Opening Government Data in China
- 論我國藥品安全規制模式之轉型 The Transformation of Drug Safety Regulation Mode in China
- 主體間性理論對刑法現代化的再造 Inter- subjectivity Theory and the Rebuilding of Criminal Law Modernization
- 民法典編纂中繼承法編幾個問題的探討 A Probe into Several Problems on Succession Law of Civil Code
- 影響網路服務提供者採取措施及時性的因素 Factors Affecting the ISPs to Take Measures Timely
- 附解除反擔保責任之股權轉讓課稅爭議--對法蘭西水泥案的反思 Controversies on the Taxation Concerning Equity Transfer including Counter Guarantee Liability: Reflections on the Ciments Franais Case
- 審判中心視角下的有效辯護問題 Effective Defense in the Perspective of Trial Centerism
- 我國刑事上訴利益審查制度的缺失與建構 The Deficiency and Construction of Interest Review System in China's Criminal Appeal
- 單邊仲裁員委任機制的道德困境及其突圍--以Paulsson的提議為核心 Ethical Dilemma Facing Unilateral Appointment of Arbitrators and the Way Out: A Discussion Centering around Paulsson's Proposal
- 司法改革背景下送達困境與出路--以G省基層法院的送達實踐為例 The Dilemma and Outlet of Service in the Background of Judicial Reform: A Case Study of the Basic Level Court Practices in Province G
- 中國民事執行年度觀察報告(2016) Annual Report on Civil Execution in China, 2016