201609 (2016:5期)期所有篇 |
- 我國電子訴訟的實踐發展與立法應對 China's Practical Development of Electronic Litigation and Legislative Response
- 電子訴訟潮流與我國民事訴訟法的應對 The Trend of Electronic Litigation and the Response of China's Civil Procedure Law
- 電子法院:由內部到外部的構建 E-Court: from Internal to External Construction
- 共有物分割之訴審理的若干問題 Issues on Trial of The Segmentation on Common Objects
- 違約方的合同解除權及其界限 The Right to Terminate a Contract of the Party in Breach and Its Limits
- 我國農村宅基地管理的法治化構造 Legal Construction in the Management of Rural Residential Land in China
- 跨國私人規制與全球行政法的發展--以食品安全私人標準為例 Regulation on Transnational Private Actors and the Development of Global Administrative Law: A Case Study of the Personal Standard of Food Safety
- 部門間行政協作的困境與出路--以城市管理綜合執法為例 Problems and Solutions of Administrative Cooperation between Departments: A Case Study on Comprehensive Law Enforcement of Urban Management
- 量刑責任概念的理解與適用 Understanding and Application of the Concept of Sentencing Responsibility
- 脫離共犯關係的行為性質及其效果--基於德、日、美、英相關進路的展開 The Nature of the Act and Its Effect of the Relationship between the Accomplice and the Accomplice: A Study Based On The Approaches of Gexmany, Japan, the United States and Britain
- 保護“吹哨人”的勞動法分析--基於德國司法經驗的考察 The Analysis on the Labor Law Protection of 'Whistleblowers': An Investigation Based on the Judicial Experience of Germany
- 檢察機關提起民事公益訴訟的制度設計 A System Design of the Prosecution Filed Public Interest Litigation
- 從限權到賦權:面向未來的互聯網貿易規則 From Right Restriction to Empowerment: The Future of Internet Trade Rules
- 法律碩士聯考的新路徑--國家統一法律職業資格制度對法碩聯考的實質類型化要求 The New Path of the Juris Master Entrance Exam: The Substantial Requirements of National Unified Legal Occupation Qualification System on Juris Master Entrance Exam
- 學科軍事法論 Military Law as an Academic Discipline