201509 (2015:5期)期所有篇 |
- 第281條:《朕合國海洋法公約》中的“超級”條款 Article 281: A 'Super' Clause in UNCLOS?
- 論政府信息公開申請權濫用行為規制 The Regulation on the Abusing the Right of Application for Govemment Information Disclosure
- 論兒童適當生活水準權的實現──以留守流浪兒童為切入點 The Realization of Proper Life Standard for Children: A Study on Left behind and Wandering Children
- 政治憲法及其規範性問題──英國政治憲法觀的中國啟示 Political Constitution and Its Problem of Normativity: Political Constitution View of the US and Its Implication for China
- 被害人同意:根據、定位與界限 The Consent of Victim: Basis, Position, and Limits
- 刑事政策司法化:歷史敘事、功能闡釋與風險防範 Judicialization of Criminal Policy: Historical Narratives, Functional Explanation and Risk Prevention
- 我國民法典總則中法律行為構成要素的立法設計──以權利本位的視角 Legislative Design for Composition Factors of Legal Activities in General Articles of Civil Code of China: A Right Based Perspective
- 論抵押不動產轉讓的法律效果──《物權法》第191條釋論 The Lega1 Effect of Transferring Immovable under Mortgage: On Article 191 of Property Law
- 論不溯既往原則在新《婚姻法》及其司法解釋中的適用 The Application of Non- retroactivity in the New Law of Marriage and Judicial Interpretation
- 現行《反壟斷法》框架下維持轉售價格的違法認定困境與出路 Crux and Resolution of Identifying Violation on Resale Price Maintenance under Anti-trust Law
- 論我國勞動合同立法的宗旨、功能與治理 Aim, Function, and Govemance of the Legislation on Labor Contract
- 國家追償制度的理性思考 A Reconsideration of National Recovery System
- 論政府部門內設警察機關偵查權的優化配置 Optimization Power of Investigation for Police Institutions inside the Governments
- 在司法獨立與司法負責之間──美國州法官考評制度之考察與評析 Between Judicial Independence and Judicial Accountability: Study and Analysis on Evaluation System of State Judges in the US
- 法官員額制的改革目標與策略 The Aim and Strategy of Judge Personnel System Reform
- 模式選擇與制度重構 The Model and System of Environmental litigation