行政自製理論的再探討 Re - consideration on Administrative Self - Restraint
多元行政任務下的行政機關自我規制 Self - Restraint of Administrative Agencies under Multiple Administrative Tasks
法治主義與行政自製--以立法、行政、司法的功能分擔為視角 Rule of Law and Administrative Self - Restraint: A Perspective of Separation of Legislative, Administrative, and Judicial Functions
作為行政自製規範的裁量基準及其效力界定 Criteria of Discretion as the Rule of Administrative Self - Restraint and the Delimitation of Its Effect
論行政裁量的自我拘束 Self - Restraint of Administrative Discretion
論農民集體土地所有權的集體成員受益權能 Beneficial Power of Request by Members of Collective Land Ownership
中國環境法律體系的架構與完善 Environmental Law of China: Framework and Perfection
社會法基礎的多視角論證 Multiple Perspectives on the Basis of Social Law
《聯合國反腐敗公約》履約審議機制當議 An Examination on the Mechanism for the Review of Implementation of the United Nations Convention against Corruption
從《公民權利和政治權利國際公約》第14條第5款看最高人民法院對刑事案件的一審管轄權 A Survey on the First Instance Jurisdiction of the Supreme People's Court in Criminal Cases Based on Aricle 14.5 of the ICCPR