從歷史小說觀點閱讀張文環《滾地郎》一書中,反映出遭逢兩大歷史事件的台灣人表徵 Zhang Wen-Huan’s “Chini haumono” as a historical novel: Representation of Taiwanese who encountered two historical events
葉石濤的〈玫瑰項圈〉與芥川龍之介的〈南京的基督〉──其相同之處及相異之處 The comparison between Ye Shi-Tao’ s “The rose collar” and Akutagawa Ryunosuke’ s “Christ in Nan- jing”:The similarity and the difference
崛口大學的電影經驗──以全集中收錄的〈隨想〉為主 Horiguchi Daigaku’s films experience:Focusing on Essay in literary complete collections
新聞日語標題的轉喻性 Headlines of Japanese newspaper and metonymy
日本民間故事的語彙──以月刊『日本展望』1-10話為討論對象 Vocabulary in Japanese folktales: A vocabulary investigation on the story 1-10 in the Monthly Japanese Perspective
從社會事件新聞報導中,探析客觀性報導上顯現出文章之特性 Genre characteristic of press report article on ''Objectivity'':From the aspect of the reflection of ''social event'' in the text
日語訪談對話與台式中文訪談對話中答話準備表達之對照研究 The contrastive research on the characteristics of reply preparation in interview dialogue between Japanese and Taiwanese Mandarin
不滿表現中改善要求策略之台日比較 Use of improvement request strategy in discontent expression between Japanese and Taiwanese students.