掩映之間──宋代尚書內省管窺 Amidst the Shadows: A Glance at the Inner Court Secretariat in the Song Period
宋代文書制度研究的一個嘗試--以「牒」、「關」、「諮報」為線索 A Study of the Official Correspondence System in the Song Dynasty: Using Die, Guan, and Zibao as a Starting Point
威權、速度與軍政績效--宋代金字牌遞新探 Authority, Speed and Their Effects on Military and Government Affairs: A New Study of Golden Tablet Deliveries in the Song Dynasty
麻制草擬與宋代宰相任免--重在文書運行環節的探討 A Study of the Appointment and Dismissal of Chief Ministers in the Song Dynasty through Examining the Use of Hemp Paper Edicts