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The Family Resemblance Structure of Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory in Pre-Qin and Mid-Western Han Period China
作者 馮樹勳
在中國學術不同領域中,包括:醫學、天文、音樂,以至星命學說,均以陰陽五行理論為基礎。故近賢鄺芷人提出陰陽五行說,應稱為中國學術上的「一般系統理論」,然引用馮.貝爾塔蘭菲(Ludwig von Bertalanffy)的「一般系統理論」來解釋陰陽五行系統,實有重大的學理困難。是故筆者擬採用維根斯坦(Ludwig Wittgenstein)的「家族相似」(family resemblance)理論來作修正,使理論模型能更準確地描述陰陽五行說的實況。是以,本文將以兩漢及其前代陰陽五行的諸多論述與事實,來印證「家族相似」理論,解說中國陰陽五行說於思想史的發展,尤其是董仲舒在陰陽五行理論的一般化使用中所扮演的角色。
Kuang Zhiren 鄺芷人 has suggested that Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory should be described as the “general systems theory” of Chinese academic disciplines. However, considerable theoretical difficulties exist if one cites Ludwig von Bertalanffy’s “general systems theory” to explain Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory. For this reason, the author of this thesis wishes instead to use Ludwig Wittgenstein’s “family resemblance” theory as a revised theoretical model to more accurately describe Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory. Consequently, this thesis will cite various treatises and historical facts related to the latter theory in support of the “family resemblance” structure, from prior to and during the Western and Eastern Han dynasties. This thesis will explain the development of Yin-Yang and Five Element Theory in the context of the history of ideology in China. In particular, it will also explore the role of Dong Zhongshu董仲舒 in the general application of the theory.
起訖頁 233-266
關鍵詞 董仲舒陰陽五行一般系統理論家族相似同構Dong ZhongshuYin-Yang and Five Element Theorygeneral systems theoryfamily resemblance theoryisomorphism
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 荀子與周禮之關係--以威儀執持為考察中心
該期刊-下一篇 從郊丘之爭到天地分合之爭--唐至北宋時期郊祀主神位的變化




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