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Book Review--Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face: Scripture, Ritual and Iconographic Exchange in Medieval China
作者 Tam Wai Lun (Tam Wai Lun)
In Mollier’s book Buddhism and Taoism Face to Face, there is a telling picture of the eighth-century Sichuan Taoist Marvelous Mystery Temple (Xuanmiao guan 玄妙觀) where Śākyamuni and Laozi sit next to each other on the altar. Mollier reminds us of another similar scene on the Mountain of the King of Medicine (Yaowang shan 藥王山) in Shānxi 陜西 Province, dating back to the Six Dynasties. Worshipping Buddhist and Taoist gods together in the same temple is, indeed, a common phenomenon in China especially at the village level. Fieldworkers in a Chinese village might have also encountered hanging ritual portraits of the pantheon showing Śākyamuni sitting on the top of the Three Purities (Sanqing 三清) or the other way round, belonging to some village ritual specialists.
起訖頁 365-373
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 兩端之間--論1920年代張我軍新舊文學意識與文化民族認同
該期刊-下一篇 書評--《石濤詩錄》




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