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“Court Gazettes” and “Short Reports”: Official Views and Unofficial Readings of Court News
作者 魏希德
The growing interest in current affairs among the twelfth- and thirteenthcentury Chinese elite, in and outside officialdom, was evident in the circulation of a wide variety of news genres ranging from court gazettes, collections of memorials, anthologies of examination essays, miscellanies, Song history textbooks, and encyclopedias. The gazette was a court publication listing new appointments, dismissals, foreign missions, excerpts of edicts and memorials, as well as a schedule of audiences. In principle its circulation was restricted to court officials and regional and local administrators. Commercial printers routinely defied publishing laws, bribed clerks and officials working in the drafting and transmission offices, hunted down copies as soon as they appeared, and printed pirated copies. These were printed in the capital and from there made their way to the provinces. Such unofficial editions were officially labeled“ short reports” and were associated in official discourse with unfounded rumor and factionalism. This article investigates the readership of and reader responses to“ court gazettes” and“ short reports.” It argues that the distinction between“ short report” and“ gazette” was drawn very differently in the official bureaucratic communication network and derivative semi-official networks.
起訖頁 167-200
關鍵詞 宋代新聞朝報印刷史出版法Song dynastynewspapergazetteprintingpublishing law
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 晚宋軍情蒐集與傳遞--以《可齋雜藁》所見宋、蒙廣西戰役為例
該期刊-下一篇 荀子與周禮之關係--以威儀執持為考察中心




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