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A Study of the Official Correspondence System in the Song Dynasty: Using Die, Guan, and Zibao as a Starting Point
作者 平田茂樹
In addition to official correspondences to either lower or higher bureaucratic levels in the Song dynasty, there were also parallel correspondences, such as die牒, guan關, and zibao諮報. These parallel correspondences were documents sent between administratively-unrelated governmental offices. Occasionally, different offices that were administratively related used die (such as in dieshang牒上 and gudie故牒) to replace more common appellations that implied hierarchy, such as fu符, tie帖, or shenzhuang申狀. This indicates that there was an “inner” and “outer” system of command in place that differentiated between various administratively-related offices. In addition, the official correspondence system reveals that the system of command in the Song dynasty was not hierarchical or pyramidal; the central government had a dual system composed, on the one hand, of the bureaucracy of the Three Departments and Six Ministries 三省六部 and, on the other hand, another bureaucracy, which oversaw the first. Local governments also had a system of checks and balances among circuits 路, prefectures 府州軍監 and districts 縣.
起訖頁 43-65
關鍵詞 宋代平行文書諮報統攝Song dynastyparallel correspondencesdieguanzibaoadministratively-related
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 掩映之間──宋代尚書內省管窺
該期刊-下一篇 威權、速度與軍政績效--宋代金字牌遞新探




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