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作者 鄧克銘
In his early years, Fang Yizhi 方以智 was famous for his erudition and writing skills. He became a monk at the age of forty in order to declare his unwillingness to obey the Ching Dynasty, and finally passed away at the age of sixty-one. Researchers have noted his advocacy for combining Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism into one religion, but have not yet fully discussed his achievements in Chan Buddhism. This article aims to discuss Fang Yizhi’s approach to Chan Buddhism. This includes the thinking process that led him to become a monk, his understanding and criticism of the Chan school, the way in which he further developed the Tsaodong school’s 曹洞宗 ideas of integrating of all knowledge, and also his ability to link the Book of Changes and Chan Buddhism. In its transmission, Chan Buddhism frequently tended to emphasize personal inner realization and neglect outside affairs; Fang Yizhi emphasized the importance of knowledge and used the Tsaodong school’s ideas to make sense of being and phenomena. At the same time, he borrowed concepts from the Book of Changes to interpret the relationship between the universe and human life. Fang Yizhi’s approach to Chan Buddhism contained both theoretical and practical ideas which are significant in the history of thought and Chan Buddhism.
起訖頁 303-331
關鍵詞 方以智禪宗易經曹洞宗晚明Fang YizhiChan BuddhismBook of ChangesTsaodong schoollate Ming
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200906 (27:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 從郊丘之爭到天地分合之爭--唐至北宋時期郊祀主神位的變化
該期刊-下一篇 兩端之間--論1920年代張我軍新舊文學意識與文化民族認同




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