周代「諸侯大夫宗廟圖」研究 A Study of the“Pictures of Suzerains and Aristocrats in Zhou Dynasty Ancestral Temples”
走馬樓吳簡師佐籍蠡測 The Registers of Shi and Zuo as Seen in the Wu Slips Unearthed at Zoumalou, Changsha
身體表演與魏晉人倫品鑒──一個自我「體現」的角度 Body Performance and Self Embodiment in Six Dynasties, Appreciation and Classification of Historical Personalities
試論聯綿詞組構要素的歷史變化與發展──以《經典釋文》音義注釋為主 Changes and Developments in the History of Main Constructive Elements of Disyllabic Roots: Commentaries of the Annotations of the Chinese Classics
論法門寺唐代〈衣物帳〉中的個體量詞 Individual Classifiers in a Tang Dynasty“Articles Tablet”at Famen Temple
〈馮燕傳〉、〈馮燕歌〉、〈水調七遍〉 對馮燕的謳歌──男性中心層級分明的道德體系呈現 The Feng Yen Chuan, Feng Yen Ko and Shui Tiao Chi Pien Sing Praises of Feng Yen: Showing the Clearly Classified Morality that is Male-Centered
北宋讀詩詩與宋代詩學──從傳播與接受之視角切入 The Northern Song Dynasty,s Meta-poetry and Song Dynasty Poetics: From the Perspectives of Media and Acceptance
格調的追求──論沈德潛對明清詩學的傳承與突破 The Quest for Gediao: A Study of Shen Deqian's Reception and Breakthroughs in the Poetic Theories from the Mid-Ming to the Early-Qing
是地即成土──清初流放東北文士之「絕域」紀游 This is Our Land: Travelogues on Remote Places by Early Qing Scholars Exiled to Northeastern China
一時之學術與一地之風教──李兆洛與暨陽書院 The Intellectual Tendency of the Period and the Cultural Atmosphere of the Region: Li Zhaoluo and the Jiyang Academy
近代西方知識在東亞的傳播及其共同文本之探索──以《佐治芻言》為例 The Dissemination of Modern Western Knowledge in East Asia and the Search for a Common Text: Zuozhi chuyan
從滿漢對音規則看《黃鍾通韻》所表現的尖團音分合狀況──兼論北京官話尖團音合流完成的年代 Research on the Jiantuanyin in the Huangzhong Tongyun Based on the Rules of Translation between Manchuscripts and Chinese Characters
黃岡方言的「V不VP」及其相關句式 The“V + bu (not) + VP”in Huanggang Dialect and Its Related Patterns
名有五:周代命名習慣新探 The Five Types of Name: A New Methodology for Interpreting Zhou Dynasty Naming Practices
結構研究視野下的《老子》材料討論 A Discussion of the Lao Tzu Materials from a Structural Perspective