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Individual Classifiers in a Tang Dynasty“Articles Tablet”at Famen Temple
作者 洪藝芳
The articles tablet excavated from the underground palace at Famen Temple法門寺 records the items offered to the Buddha by Emperors Yizong懿宗 and Xizong僖宗, Queen Dowager Huian 惠安, and Ladies Jinguo晉國 and Zhaoyi昭儀, all of the late Tang Dynasty. Through careful enumeration of the names, quantities, and weights of the items that were offered, it is clear that the number of classifiers and the frequency of their usage are much greater than what documentary materials of the times normally reveal. Furthermore, the Tang dynasty was a pivotal era in the history of Chinese classifiers. Therefore, investigation of the classifiers used in the articles tablet at Famen Temple, which was inscribed during the Tang dynasty, is of immense value and significance for understanding the development of classifiers during this crucial period. This article arranges and analyzes the meanings, uses, and nouncorrespondences of individual classifiers found in the articles tablet. It then compares evidence from the articles tablet with other linguistic materials of the same period, and further examines the trajectory of development from a diachronic perspective. In doing so, this should elucidate the features and rules of individual classifiers of the Tang Dynasty, and at the same time supplement the deficiencies in the received sources, filling in the gaps in our knowledge of the history of Chinese classifiers.
起訖頁 135-170
關鍵詞 法門寺唐代衣物帳個體量詞語法Famen TempleTang dynastyarticles tabletindividual classifiergrammar
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 試論聯綿詞組構要素的歷史變化與發展──以《經典釋文》音義注釋為主
該期刊-下一篇 〈馮燕傳〉、〈馮燕歌〉、〈水調七遍〉 對馮燕的謳歌──男性中心層級分明的道德體系呈現




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