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A Study of the“Pictures of Suzerains and Aristocrats in Zhou Dynasty Ancestral Temples”
作者 鄭憲仁
This study combines archaeological information with early books on etiquette to explore the structures of ancestral temples from the Western Zhou 西周 to the Spring and Autumn period, and to reconstruct“the pictures of the suzerains 諸侯 and the aristocrats ( 大夫, senior officials in feudal China) in ancestral temples”and“the pictures of dukes in ancestral temples.”Therefore, scholars of the I-li 儀禮 can refer to the reconstructions of the pictures, which correspond to the actualities of the times. This article discusses the important parts in books about ancestral temples that focus on Chinese etiquette and it classifies the different perspectives so as to explore their origins. On the excavations, this article refers to ancient Chinese先秦 remains according to the Western Zhou building foundations F and F at Yuntang雲塘, building foundations F4 and F9 at Qizhen齊鎮 in Shanxi陝西, excavated from 999-2000, and building foundation F at Majiazhuang馬家莊 in Fengxiang 鳳翔 in Shanxi, excavated from 9 - 9 4. The social status of the owners of these building foundations was that of an aristocrat. Therefore, the reconstructions of“the pictures of the suzerains and the aristocrats in ancestral tombs”in this paper apply only to people with such high status. Similarly,“the pictures of dukes in ancestral temples”only describe the dukes—the highest class among the suzerains.
起訖頁 1-40
關鍵詞 儀禮宗廟周代建築禮圖I-liancestral templesZhou Dynastyarchitectureetiquette pictures
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 走馬樓吳簡師佐籍蠡測




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