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A Discussion of the Lao Tzu Materials from a Structural Perspective
作者 寧鎮疆
As for the structure of current versions of the Lao Tzu 老子, it is necessary to discriminate which follow ancient editions and which are based on the opinions of those who compiled them. The silk Lao Tzu editions are made of chapters that had been handled differently during the copying process. Although the structure of the silk Lao Tzu editions changed compared to the bamboo editions, the features that we see in current editions, such as the division into eighty-one chapters, had not yet taken shape. The Guo Dian郭店 bamboo edition was not the complete copy, but only one part. However, this does not mean that it was excerpted from the complete version and divided into subjects. Rather, the Guo Dian Lao Tzu A and B represents versions of the Lao Tzu that were extant at the time, which followed the pattern of fen zu bie xing分組別行. There is also the possibility that the pattern fen zu bie xing and hun yu yi bian 混於一編 existed simultaneously.
起訖頁 425-447
關鍵詞 老子帛書本郭店簡本結構版本Lao Tzusilk editionsGuodianbamboo editionsstructureedition
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 名有五:周代命名習慣新探
該期刊-下一篇 歸有光編〈玉虛子〉辨偽




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