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Book Review--Two-head Snakes: The First Generations of Chinese Christian Converts in Late Ming and Early Qing (Liang tou she: Ming mo Qing chu de di yi dai Tianzhujiaotu)
作者 Roman Malek (Roman Malek)
The encounter between Christianity with Chinese culture during Late Ming and Early Qing times for a long time was mainly seen from a “Christian Western,” eurocentric perspective. The same is true for research being done in this field. Only in the second half of the 20th century was it claimed that methodologically research should focus more on the Chinese side of this encounter.1 But even before the“shift of paradigms”in the 1980s, there were approaches towards a new evaluation and assessment of the history of Christianity in China, e.g., in the publications of the Chinese historians Chen Yuan 陳垣 (1880-1971) and Fang Hao 方豪 (1910-1980), which until today are of great relevance not only for mission history, but also for sinology.
起訖頁 497-510
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 200612 (24:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 書評--《信仰、儀式與鄉土社會:風水的歷史人類學探索》(上、下)




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