後謝靈運時代的「風景」--以鮑照、謝朓為例 Fengjing (Light and Atmosphere) as Landscape in the Post-Xie Lingyun Era: Exemplified in Bao Zhao and Xie Tiao's Poems
宋代筆記與《江談抄》的體裁--說話與筆記的界限 Song Dynasty Biji and the Style of the Godansho:The Boundary between Oral Literature and Note-Form Literature
朱子命蔡沈編修《書集傳》考 Zhu Xi's Request to Cai Shen to Compile the Collected Commentaries on the Book of Documents
百年論定──試論黃榦〈朱子行狀〉的書寫與朱熹歷史形象的形塑 The Writing of Huang Gan's 'Zhu Zi Xing Zhuang' and Shaping of Zhu Xi's Historical Image
《四庫全書初次進呈存目》初探--編篡時間與文獻價值 A Study of the Preliminary Catalogue of the Si Ku Quan Shu for Imperial Presentation:Its Date of Composition and Textual Value
摩登現代人--論《時代》畫報的現代想像與文化意涵 Modern People: On the Modern Imagination in Shidai Magazine and Its Cultural Significance
竹林書局改編臺灣早期閩南語歌仔冊之詞彙觀察 A Survey of the Lexical Content of the Early Taiwanese Editions of Kua-A-Tsheh Revised by the Zhulin Bookstore
高羅佩、米芾與中國書畫鑑賞 R. H. van Gulik, Mi Fu, and Connoisseurship of Chinese Art