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A Survey of the Lexical Content of the Early Taiwanese Editions of Kua-A-Tsheh Revised by the Zhulin Bookstore
作者 林香薇 (Hsiang-Wei Lin)
I have observed that the nine different editions of ”Hiau-Hing-Tsinn-Khai-Tsiah- Liau-Kua” 僥倖錢開食了歌 can be chronologically categorized into three major periods. The first and earliest period consists of the Kua-A-Tsheh 歌仔冊 published on the mainland. The second includes the Kua-A-Tsheh published thereafter in Taiwan, and the final period is of the Kua-A-Tsheh later published by the Zhulin Bookstore 竹林書局. It is worth investigating whether the differences in characters and lexicon between these three periods are historically representative of the Kua-A-Tsheh developmental stages.Prior to discussing such linguistic evolution, I believe we can first narrow down our study of the Kua-A- Tsheh to the dated editions from one specific location, in order to avoid confusion between the materials. The present paper will examine the linguistic material of both the Zhulin Bookstore's revisions and the early Taiwanese editions, thus reducing time and space, and then conduct a comparison of their lexical content. Such analysis is vital for understanding lexical evolution, identifying patterns within the evolution, and finally defining the historical development of the Kua-A-Tsheh. The present study will also take into consideration the early and late revisions of the Zhulin editions, as they are not entirely similar.
起訖頁 229-264
關鍵詞 閩南語歌仔冊詞彙演變版本文字Southern MinKua-A-Tsheh 歌仔冊lexical evolutioneditionsChinese character
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 摩登現代人--論《時代》畫報的現代想像與文化意涵
該期刊-下一篇 高羅佩、米芾與中國書畫鑑賞




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