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Modern People: On the Modern Imagination in Shidai Magazine and Its Cultural Significance
作者 陳碩文
本文以考察在上海1930年代銷量不錯,富文藝氣息的《時代》畫報,作為探討1930年代上海現代文化論述中「摩登」與「現代」概念之起點。皆在分析畫報的文字內容及圖像材料中所呈現出的「現代」概念,如何出入於現代/摩登、進步/通俗修辭間,展現兼具國家關懷及生活體驗的面貌。本文從爬梳《時代》的刊物沿革、編輯方針,以及內容特色入手,探討《時代》畫報在教化社會、傳遞新知與提供休閒等面向外,如何展現世界想像與時局關懷,反映都會生活,介紹文藝潮流,呈現理想的現代人典型。本文並追溯”modern”一詞在民初文化脈絡的演進歷程,以考察《時代》畫報內容風格。本文以為,正如同《時代》畫報英文譯名Modern Miscellany所暗示,《時代》畫報乃是一Modern(摩登/現代)的混合物--其內容既勾勒國家與時局面貌,亦描述都市的摩登時髦,描繪現代人的生活樣貌。《時代》畫報中所體現的「現代」從而展現出豐富的意涵,揭示出當時一部分上海文人之時代體驗與都會生活之連結;而文藝畫報作為現代文學系統的重要媒介,兼具現代關懷與摩登體驗的《時代》,也體現出了1930年代上海都市文化與書寫研究中,較為人忽略的複雜向度。
This paper takes as its point of departure the study of the Chinese literary magazine Shidai時代, published between 1929 and 1937, in order to explore the different definitions and translations of the terms modeng 摩登 and xiandai 現代 in modem China. Beginning with a critical inspection of Shidai's publication history, its chief editor Shao Xunmei's 邵洵美 (1906-1968) editorial policies, and the characteristics of the magazine's content, this paper analyzes through close reading Shidai's role in the cultural landscape of the time. It also discusses how the magazine's various columns and articles , such as on popular culture, celebrity interviews, and introducing trends in art and literature, reveal the complexity of the modern imagination in 1930s Shanghai and the composite modernity of modern China. This article firstly introduces the culture of 1930s Shanghai in order to provide the context for the emergence of Shidai, and then looks at Shao Xunmei's editorial policies. Shidai's content is then analyzed to explore its complexity and the links between popular culture and urban life. This paper uses this discussion as a starting point for exploring Chinese modernity in the early 20th century.
起訖頁 199-228
關鍵詞 上海193O年代文藝畫報《時代》摩登邵洵美Shanghai1930sarts and literature magazineShidamodengShao Xunmei
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-上一篇 《四庫全書初次進呈存目》初探--編篡時間與文獻價值
該期刊-下一篇 竹林書局改編臺灣早期閩南語歌仔冊之詞彙觀察




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