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The Plough Ox in Han Dynasty Agriculture
作者 白品鍵
Ploughing with oxen in China underwent a process of development between the Warring States and the Han dynasty. The key factors in this process are the unification of China by the state of Qin 秦, and Zhao Guo's 趙過agricultural reforms during the Western Han . There have been a considerable number of discussions on the origins of ox ploughing, but relatively few, however, on the spread and effect of the practice. The present study therefore attempts to discuss the role of the plough ox in Han dynasty agriculture and investigate the effect its presence had on production activity in the Han dynasty economy. First, the use and spread of the technique of ox ploughing are explained. This is then followed by a discuss ion of the human suffering caused by a paucity of oxen due to outbreaks of cattle plague that occurred during the Eastern Han. Finally, the alternative methods of cultivation used under these circumstances and measures for dealing with cattle plague and the scarcity of oxen during the Han dynasty are discussed. It is hoped that this will enable us to locate the importance of the plough ox in Han dynasty agricultural development, and an aspect of agricultural development during the 400 years of the Han dynasty.
起訖頁 1-32
關鍵詞 漢代牛耕農業牛疫經濟史Han dynastyox ploughingagriculturecattle plagueeconomic history
刊名 漢學研究  
期數 201206 (30:2期)
出版單位 漢學研究中心
該期刊-下一篇 後謝靈運時代的「風景」--以鮑照、謝朓為例




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